Friday, February 27, 2009

Story of the Week

This story is among the most traumatizing I've read (I find any depictions of animal cruelty very traumatizing though) but it's also very incredible. It's by Brady Udall, who wrote an excellent book called The Miracle Life of Edgar Mint. So, if you're bored, hey, read something!

Otis is Resurrected

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Seattle in Snapshots: Day 3

And conclude the Seattle adventuring...Day 3!

Here we start at the Sunday market in the neighborhood of Fremont.

Some free music at the market.

Poor, poor moose.

I swear the cartoon drawing chick looks EXACTLY like my friend Nicotine.

I'm guessing they show outdoor movies here? Only explaination for the Casablanca graffiti.

More graffiti in Fremont.

The infamous Lenin statue, all decked out for V-Day.

A stoned cup of french fries in front of Deluxe Junk.

The legendary Fremont troll, which lives under the bridge.

Send in the clowns.

At the headquarters for Adobe.

The Waiting For The Interurban statue was also decked out for V-day.

After I finished exploring Fremonth, I hopped on a bus to Capitol Hill. After some searching, I managed to find this apartment complex, which was used as the apartment building from one of my favorite movies, Singles. Yes, I set out specifically to find this building. I am a dork. I'm somewhat jealous of the people who get to live here now.

Yes, I took a dorky picture of myself in front of it as well.

Obama pride is alive and well in Seattle.

Seattle Museum of Mysteries. I didn't go in, but I liked this gnome dude.

Aww, more churches should have big banners like this one.

At Twice Told Tales, a used bookstore in Capitol Hill. I thought Megan would appreciate this.

A Jimi Hendrix statue. Hendrix pride, woot!

Shawn Smith at the Showbox. Incredible.

Happy Chichester.

And, of course, the Gutter Twins themselves - Mr. Greg Dulli and Mr. Mark Lanegan.

I saw Mark Lanegan after the show, hurrying to catch a cab. He nearly ran me over. I would've said "Hi" and "Great show!" to him, but the man is honestly a little frightening.

Well, I hope you all enjoyed this pictoral representation of my weekend in Seattle!

Seattle in Snapshots: Day 2

Now...for Day 2 of the Seattle Adventuring.

Pike Place Market

Pike Place Market

They WILL clean your crab for you.

You can even buy fresh Valentine's Day flowers at Pike Place for your daughter.

Random music on the street was one of my favorite parts about Seattle.

At the Experience Music Project.

Terminator props at the Science Fiction Museum.


Outside of the Experience Music Project and Science Fiction Museum building. It was amazing and amazingly odd.

Obligatory shot of the Space Needle from the bottom up.

The Experience Music Project/Science Fiction Museum building from up in the Space Needle.

I think this woman realized I was taking a picture of her.

Obligatory self portrait.

Aw, ain't Valentine's Day grand?

Children playing at the International Fountain.

Near Seattle Center.

More Space Needle shots.

The Stranger's Valentine's Day Bash at Nuemo's. The implements await.

Dan Savage will cure what ails ya!

Dan de-shirted this poor defenseless straight boy. No one really minded though.

Some of the wreckage on stage.

Thus ends Day 2. Stay tuned for Day 3!

Seattle in Snapshots: Day 1

I figured, instead of chronicling my recent expedition to Seattle with long, lengthy stories, I would instead post a series of my favorite pictures from each day I was there. Because, if you're my friend, I'll probably tell you all the stories anyway. And I'm way too lazy to type everything.

Now presenting...Day 1!


Christopher Columbus statue.

Moi at the waterfront.


On a boat in Puget Sound.

Close-up of the Chittendom Locks.

Allegedly the houseboat from Sleepless in Seattle. Still haven't seen that movie.

Dinner at the Elliot Bay Book Company. Hummus and the latest issue of The Stranger. MMM.

And lastly, a performance by the Castaways at The Can-Can in Pike Place. Amazing.

Stay tuned for Day 2!